Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Back Again: Thoughts on Supertest 9.15 Changes

As some of you may know, the is a blog run by a popular WoT streamer (Ritagamer) who runs a blog at ritastatusreport.live. She has interviews with WG staff and posts her own opinions about how World of Tanks is going right now. She recently published an article about the upcoming nerfs and buffs coming to certain tanks. (I must say Skoda T40 145mm of pen hype)

First of all, the most controversial change will be the RoF nerf and the slight aim buff to the honestly overpowered T54 Lightweight. This nerf will make other lights at T8 have a real place in T8 competitive gameplay such as the WZ-132. This tank will be probably a lot less frequent after the patch coming up probably somewhere between the next CW season and the end of this campaign which will hopefully be in early May (don't hold me to this).

Another change that most agree with due to the sheer number of T22s currently on the NA server will be the the T22 Medium Tank. This tank will lose much of its acceleration, turning, turret traverse, and overall gun handling and possibly a slight nerf to DPM. This change is awesome for me as I run into many T22s on a daily basis. This will make this tank more like a heavy which it should be due to its armor characteristics.

The other long awaited nerf is both OI variants which received mobility hindrances and worse gun characteristics. This however, will probably not lessen their use in CWs due to their armor profile and just how OP it is compared to other T6 tanks. This will however create a reason to use the T-150 and the KV-85 as well as maybe a resurgence of KV-2 players (please WG nerf this tank into oblivion).

Most of the other tanks that are being buffed/nerfed don't affect the competitive scene at all but I would recommend to look them up at Rita's blog.


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