Thursday, July 28, 2016

UPDATE: Starting a Clan/My Game

I know you have all noticed the lack of posts over the past 2 weeks or so. I have been working a ton, starting in my new job. I am finally starting to get back into blogging (as I have been tanking) and will now update you on some things:

My Game:
I joined a Silver League Team! Also, I have lately been trying to get better at playing specific tanks, and what better way to show this by 3-marking tanks that I love, so now I have 3 marked 4 Tier 10s: T57, E5, BatChat, and M48 Patton. I also 3-marked T8s: T54 Light, RU 251, T49, WZ-132, T32, IS-3, and M41 90mm. Now enough bragging, on to what you are really here for:

My eventual goal will be to create my own clan or take over a clan, and then make it my own by becoming the Commander. I have been the Executive Officer in 3 different clans in the past, and I really want to run things by myself, without trying to only influence a commander that may not listen to me anyways. My goal would be to hit the ground running, playing Tier 8 Clan Wars and maybe get up to tier 10. I'm thinking that I will do this after league is over, and after the coming campaign, so expect this to come in September. Feel free to reach out to me if you are going to be interested in joining/helping me run things (as there would be caller/officer positions open) and you can pm me ingame or through the forums.Stay tuned to the blog so that I can bounce some clan policies/ideas off of you guys.


Friday, July 8, 2016

Wargaming Schedule: Clan Wars and Development

Wargaming has been actually doing a bit lately as far as their game development. I would like to start this off by saying that this is mostly unconfirmed speculation, and I am also inferring that 9.16 will have the global rebalance, and be in early September/late August.

Global Map Freeze in late August (currently the 21)

Gold League Will Tentatively Start on the 4th of August

Next Mini-Campaign- after freeze, late August/early September, likely lasting a few weeks. The tank that will be given out will probably be the Object 257 TD, learn more at

Gold League will run until sometime in September, probably until the end of the Campaign as they usually link campaigns and Gold League during the same timeframe. This campaign could also come earlier, as they have overlapped a season with a campaign in the past. One other tank they could give out is the Chieftain (PLEASE WG), but I have heard that it will be a tier 10 tank. Don't take too much away from the statistics currently, as it will likely be distributed after (or right when) the Global Reblance goes live.


Sandbox: Week 4

Sorry, been busy, so trying to get these articles out as fast as possible:

The Sandbox Server has received some minor balance changes, including a nerf to some autoloaders, some dispersion bonuses to assault vehicles, as well as a large DPM buff to the FV215B and E3.
I really don't want to cover these changes very heavily, just go to the Armored Patrol article if you want specifics. All they really did was to make the other SPGs on par with the ConqGC. They are really just nitpicking for changes now, to get them all perfect. It seems that they are done with major stuff, maybe even about ready to introduce lower tier tanks (not tens) into the sandbox server. I also have some "insider" information for all of you Clan Wars people coming up!


State of NA WoT

North American World of Tanks has been decreasing in popularity since the overall boom of newer members sometime around 2013, and this was in part due to popular Youtube channels (such as Jingles/Quickybaby/SideStrafe), and also due to advertising the growing game. Now, the game is receiving very few newer players in the NA circuit.

There are many possible reasons to this, and there are probably many, here are some of my own thoughts:

Wargaming's last big content patch, which included a brand new line (WT line), 4 new premium tanks, Team Battles, and a new map: Northwest (which has been removed for some time now). The follow-up patch to this was in December, introducing the Japanese Medium tank branch.  After this patch, some new tanks have been released, but not in the same "line after line" format that previous patches had done. There have been 2 new lines since then, the Czechoslovakians and the Japanese Heavies. The amount of content has obviously reached a somewhat stagnant point for Wargaming, partly due to the lack of tanks to actually fill their game with, which could have actually been solved by introducing higher tier tanks (above tier 10), and therefore having many modern tanks to choose from. There are issues with this, such as a lack of real classes, as MBTs were very dominant, and lights would need to be replaced by AFVs, which would create some mess, but could be solved in time. This is besides the point, as they elected to not do this. Many of the later patches have been bug fixes and some minor balance. Wargaming as a company was also just starting to launch World of Warplanes and was developing World of Warships, requiring some of their resources. They have definitely been slacking on the content side of things, and their blind-less additions of content did not take into account the overall balance of the game, meaning that if they ever stopped introducing more lines, many players would be less than interested to keep playing, which is what they did. This started the downfall of the game, as many overpowered tanks were destroying the others at unprecedented rates. This lack of balance and content cause players to start to leave the game, as they were not overly invested in the game. As I mentioned before, there have been introduced maps, both of the ones mentioned were actually removed from the game.

Wargaming NA has become the neglected child of this company (now becoming SEA), and its playerbase has had little to say about the overall balance of the game and how it applies to the gameplay in NA vs the other regions. This has created strife within the community, and anger towards the company.

Competition: WoT is forced to compete with games like Overwatch, CS:GO, and LoL now in terms of competitive team play, and it used to compete massively (and still does) with other MMOs such as World of Warcraft. This competition leaves WG behind in the sense of balance and attention to detail, which effects other servers less, as some games are less prevalent there (WOW being one of those). Now that all of these games are becoming bigger and better, WoT is no longer as innovative graphics and balance wise, making it fall behind in player base, and causing it to begin to die.


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Calling: Ideologies and Examples

Calling in WoT is much more hectic than it is in 5-man games such as CS:GO, which has a certain limit to what can be done within matches. WoT is very creative in what can happen, and many things can work, abstract and mainstream.

Calling can be broken down into two ideologies: dynamic and static. Dynamic calling is basically seen by running defaults (very basic, similar to saying "we will take control of this general area"), then adapting to what your enemy does. One way to really do this, is to take extensive map control to portions your opponent is willing to give up. This allows large rotations to happen, and traps to be set. Dynamic calling can also be seen in a more basic way, as sending out scouts, then taking control of the map, then attacking the enemy. Static calling can be seen as giving a very strict strategy to counter an opponents, given at the beginning of a battle. This is good on certain maps that have especially important/strong parts that are necessary to win a battle. This will often consist of specialized tanks such as AMX 13 90s or artillery. Tanks that aren't normally used are good to counter opponents when you can expect what they are going to do. This tactic is really strong when you are competing on the global map, and allies have told you what your opponent does on a specific map. This is also great to surprise a clan with a unique strategy.

Dynamic Calling:

This example shows how the team of 6 heavies and 4 lights are generally spread to face the enemy. See how one side of the map is directly controlled, the entire "green" half. It also gives three alleyways where tanks can advance, the center, west, and east. More tanks are pushed toward the east, allowing the other lights opportunity to flank the enemy when the time is right. Remember it is important that every tank is covered by another at all times. No tanks should be alone. Even the tank in the middle in this example is easily covered by the lights on the west and on the east.

Static Calling:

This example shows how the 5 lights and 5 heavies can rush a specific part of the map and play off of each other. The heavies can shoot enemy light tanks and our lights can defend themselves due to their high number. The south is the most important position on this map, requiring a set composition of tanks, at least two auto-loader light tanks. This provides burst damage to fend off a rush in rapid time. This setup does not allow really any rotation until the "mid game", which I will be covering in my next strategy article/guide article.

Comment or PM me any map you want explained/strategy example of!


Tier 8 Clan Wars: Tanks and Basics

Tier 8 Clan Wars is the first level of competitive play that is really fun and diverse. Tier 6 is dominated by a few tanks and basically two strategies, heavies on city maps and lights/mediums on more open locations. Tier 8 brings about a more dynamic setup with more health to play around with. It no longer is based upon whoever shoots first, wins. I want to give you all a guide to help understand the basics about how tanks should be played and what tanks should be used. Keep in mind that I am only really going to go over tanks that are usable on all maps, not including TDs, Mediums,  or artillery because these tanks are specific but here is a list of some good ones: JP2, Charioteer, Ferdinand, FCM 50t, AMX 50 100, OBJ 416, Pershing, M40/43, and Lorr. 155 51.

The AMX 50 100 is not included in my overall "top tanks" due to its inability to stay within the fight and only really being successful in certain situations and on certain maps. Also, artillery is only really helpful on open maps. The Pershing can be useful as a faster T32, and the 416 is a useful tank destroyer medium. The Ferdinand is a helpful as a heavy support in certain situations and the JP2/Charioteer are the best snipers of the tier. Finally, the FCM is a good fast heavy to destroy light tanks due to its high health and troll armor. On to the tanks:

All lights are useful at this tier, except for the T49.

RU 251/M41 90- These tanks are both excellent for DPM as well as penetration (on HEAT and HE) at long distance. They have depression but lack armor, so they are best suited for mid range combat and support roles. It is important to bring these tanks in a lineup that also includes T54 Lightweights to allow them to take the hits for the German lights. They are basically best for the more open maps, or on maps where you need better DPM lights to support heavies.

T-54 Lightweight- This is currently considered the best light tank for the tier due to its armor and similar gun to equal tier lights. While it struggles with sniping, it is adept at brawling and carries APCR (does not have as much pen as WZ however) which allows it to fight spaced armor and tracks well. Its turret is fantastic, and it can tank some shots with some luck. This should be the bulk of your  fast tank lineup as it is the most versatile light tank, but any team should be at least half heavies.

AMX 13 90- This tank has the most specific role, mostly to do burst damage and then retreat into cover. It is mostly useful on maps where there will be a large light tank brawl such as Westfield or Swamp. It cannot tank damage or snipe, but can support in close quarters. It is also worthwhile to now that the APCR ammunition has great penetration. This machine does have a long reload so it makes it less useful in most lineups, but helpful on some maps. It also probably does better in pairs, rather than as a solo support tank.

WZ-132- This is a tank that sort of combines the T-54 Light and the RU 251 as it is fit for sniping and has a lack of depression. This is a really quick tank that is best used as a backup tank for when your others are locked out due to deaths in clan wars. It does have HE resistant armor, unlike its German counterpart, but is inferior to the lightweight in brawling and to the RU for sniping.

Only the IS-3 and T32 are really viable for this class.

IS-3- This is the pinnacle Russian heavy with excellent side armor, good turret, and good mobility. It can reverse side-scrape as well as tank shots while hull down. It does have a small weak-point but it is hard to hit on a regular basis. The speed allows it to traverse the larger maps quickly and flank enemies or engage them in unique positions. It is the best city tank of the tier and only second when fighting on ridge-lines, to the T32.

T32- This is the true ridge-line warrior of the tier with a near impenetrable turret and decent gun, it can rip apart its enemies quickly, albeit with less alpha damage then an IS-3. It could be compared to the T34, but is much faster and has better DPM. It also has decent hull armor which can pull off some ricochets when angled properly. This is really only suited for ridge engagements due to its depression.

These are my thoughts on some of the individual tanks and their uses for Tier 8 Clan Wars, I will post later about strategy on maps!


Monday, July 4, 2016


Figured it was about time I establish a schedule of articles so you guys can know the rough topics of the upcoming things I write about.

Monday: Maps, Tactics, Esports, and Clan Wars

Tuesdays: About me, status of the blog, my tanks/progress, and guides

Wednesdays: Overall state of the game

Thursdays: Sandbox Talk

Friday: Balance

Weekends: Whatever

Hope I can really start posting regularly!


Friday, July 1, 2016

Arty vs. Arty: Sandbox Thoughts

As you all probably know, it is possible to find enemy arty in your own arty by looking for their tracer shells. It is also possible to shoot at those locations, making the splash damage changes very interesting on sandbox.

The splash damage and penetration changes allow artillery to splash tanks nearby to the shell hit for around 500 if those tanks have light armor. This is especially true in tanks such as T92 and Conq GC. This means that it is very possible to counter enemy artillery, just by hitting near them. It isn't actually possible for most of these artillery to move that quickly after firing (aside from BatChat 155 58). This will prove to be an interesting counter to the artillery players within WoT.
