Thursday, April 28, 2016

Tier 6 Clan Wars Strategy: The Situation

Tier 6 Clan Wars in World of Tanks is still very much in its infancy. It has very little testing and still houses a few overpowered and under-powered tanks. Strategy tends to be very rudimentary for reasons including the fact that there are only 7 tanks to work with and the ability to one shot many of them through the use of derp guns. There is also something to be said that T8 heavy tanks tend to have similar DPM but double the HP of T6 mediums.

Tier 6 Clan Wars strategies tend to have a few different varieties:

OI RUSH: This is very common on small corridor maps (especially Ensk) and works because an OI can out trade its opponents and has the health to not take many hits from equal tier mediums and lights. It can also work well on larger city maps as long as the flanks are covered or you can put yourself in a corner and defend the entrances with your combination of derp OIs and smaller gun OIs. This is by far the easiest lineup to use as it is not hard to only hit a few shots and trade with the enemy.

Light Team: A full light team or a team with combination lights/fast mediums is very effective to go on open maps or any real map that you can play the view range game. This lineup is very good for picking off opponents at distances as well as being able to rush in and focus fire very effectively due to their ability spread the damage between enemies. This tactic is also best used in skirmishes because of its ability to run game after game- earning the most resources/credits/influence. This tactic is best used with more experienced players that are able to work together and focus fire.

Light/Heavy Mix- This team is best used for maps with corridors and open areas or is just very large. It is best used to keep the heavies in front and receive damage and allow the lights to poke in and out of corners to cut away at the enemy. Heavier mediums can also be used incredibly effectively here as they can maneuver well as well as trade very effectively with their opponents. This setup is the most universal for newer players as it allows a lot of fluctuation in strategy with its mobility and its armor.

Some other notes:
1. Always play slow, never try to rush into the enemy if you can pick them apart without taking damage which can especially help with dealing with tank locking.
2. Allow your armored tanks to take hits to preserve the lights HP for late game scenarios.
3. Never suiscout as it kills your ability to counterspot the enemy on open maps.
4. Always be able to support each other so that you can overmatch the enemy when they split their team.
5. Work around your own clan's limitations, put players that have less experience or less skilled in heavies as they require much less skill and less crew skills.

That is all the basic stuff I learned from my running and winning of the first season of T6 Clan Wars. I wish you all best of luck in the upcoming seasons of Clan Wars. Be sure to schedule multiple battles when you first land on the map to maximize your clans experience in battling.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Operation Typhoon: My Thoughts So Far

As you all may know I have been participating in the recent Clan Wars mini campaign in order to receive the Chieftain T8 Medium tank. Regardless of my thoughts on the upcoming tank, I would like to share with you how my own team has been faring as well as how the competition has been/what I think should happen for the future. As a word of warning however, I am currently on track to pick up a tank and members of my clan can also pick on up, so keep this in mind when you hear my ideas.

We have had so many crap games due to people doing stupid things when I called for maybe a different strategy or not to poke there, etc. My clan has an average recent WN8 of a little less than 1450 (I may have a bit of boosting due to my 3.8k recent) and this does not live up to their standards of play. We constantly lose just to losing 1v1 fights against even slightly better players. I would definitely recommend you to join clans that are more similar to your own skill level so as not to create frustration. (I am going to OTTER after this campaign I think)

I also think WG should try to award more tanks or award them in a different manner in order to allow people in lesser clans chances to receive unique rewards such as camo or tanks. I was able to pick a tank up last campaign (907 obviously) while I was in -SWAG but it was hard to play with people of my skill level as many of them are very much Type A personalities who think in a way that I do not. They need to nerf the OP-ness of the land battles and their rewards in Fame Points as they boost better players higher, and don't allow lesser players to even get land to to the concentration of OP clans on such a small map.

Any way, these are just my thoughts coming from a scrub clan as a good player, thinking of my buddies and their chances of receiving special prizes.


Back Again: Thoughts on Supertest 9.15 Changes

As some of you may know, the is a blog run by a popular WoT streamer (Ritagamer) who runs a blog at She has interviews with WG staff and posts her own opinions about how World of Tanks is going right now. She recently published an article about the upcoming nerfs and buffs coming to certain tanks. (I must say Skoda T40 145mm of pen hype)

First of all, the most controversial change will be the RoF nerf and the slight aim buff to the honestly overpowered T54 Lightweight. This nerf will make other lights at T8 have a real place in T8 competitive gameplay such as the WZ-132. This tank will be probably a lot less frequent after the patch coming up probably somewhere between the next CW season and the end of this campaign which will hopefully be in early May (don't hold me to this).

Another change that most agree with due to the sheer number of T22s currently on the NA server will be the the T22 Medium Tank. This tank will lose much of its acceleration, turning, turret traverse, and overall gun handling and possibly a slight nerf to DPM. This change is awesome for me as I run into many T22s on a daily basis. This will make this tank more like a heavy which it should be due to its armor characteristics.

The other long awaited nerf is both OI variants which received mobility hindrances and worse gun characteristics. This however, will probably not lessen their use in CWs due to their armor profile and just how OP it is compared to other T6 tanks. This will however create a reason to use the T-150 and the KV-85 as well as maybe a resurgence of KV-2 players (please WG nerf this tank into oblivion).

Most of the other tanks that are being buffed/nerfed don't affect the competitive scene at all but I would recommend to look them up at Rita's blog.


Monday, April 11, 2016

Tier 6 Tanks for Clan Wars Part 2

So I may have unequally split the tanks, so here are the final two:

VK 28.01-This tank has an incredibly effective derp gun that can penetrate some light tanks with HE and all mediums and lights with HEAT ammo which gives the tank a startling DPM and effective DPM. HE ammunition against heavies can splash them for about a hundred damage ever 6-7 seconds and damage crew/modules in the tank making it brutal to fight against. This tank is most effective at close ranges and does not have the best depression but can have some troll armor. This tank does have a slightly higher weight that other lights which makes it awesome for ramming other lights for easy damage. One map I would highly recommend this tank on is Mines. Please note that this tank is not usually seen as a great Clan Wars tank, however it is an awesome tank to have for certain situations

Modules: Rammer/Gun Laying Drive/Optics or Rammer/Gun Laying Drive/Vents

KV-85-This tank bridges the gap between the OI and the T34-85 due to its good 100 mm gun and large health pool. This makes it great for brawling with lights/mediums as well as OI support in the form of HE resistant armor and decent 250 alpha damage. The only real issue with this tank is the lack of turret armor and the incredibly weak 3 degrees of depression contrary to the OI's 10 degrees and the T34-85's 5 degrees.

Modules: Rammer/Vents/Gun Laying Drive or Rammer/Gun Laying Drive/Super Heavy Spall Liner

This concludes my analysis of the most effective tanks at Tier 6 for Clan Wars. This list is complete in that it holds the most used tanks across a variety of maps but there are certain situations where high alpha TDs are useful and where artillery can come in handy. Does anybody think that this list is only partial, did I miss a tank? Please comment and tell me if you want a guide of how to start to think of strategies for Tier 6 Clan Wars.


Tier 6 Tanks for Clan Wars

Sorry all, was unable to publish this first post until now due to work but here it is:

I would recommend mostly faster tanks for Tier 6 Clan Wars and overall competitive play. If you are interested in joining a clan that does Tier 6 Clan Wars you may want to have 1-3+ tanks that are competitively viable and you are going to want to pick up a heavy. In my experience I would also recommend that you have at least a 100% crew for your tanks, however, you don't really need to have a large number of skills/perks. On to the tanks:

Cromwell/Cromwell B- Possibly the most overpowered tank at the moment for skilled players wanting to statpad at tier 6 due to its excellent mobility, decent gun, light tank mobility, and medium tank matchmaking. This is usually the pinnacle tank for this type of gameplay but I never really enjoyed it as much as light tanks for this style of rushing and shooting on the move due to the horrific gun statistics on this tank. (I do have 3 marks however)

Modules: Rammer/Vents/Gun Laying Drive or Rammer/Gun Laying Drive/Optics (beware aim time sucks)

Type 64-Easily the best pure scout at tier 6 along with a great gun and good gun stats. Its low profile makes it better for active scouting compared to the T37 and it shoots on the move well enough without Vertical Stabilizers. This tank is also great as a readily available premium tank that can always be bought and makes great money.

Modules: Rammer/Gun Laying Drive/Optics or Rammer/Binocs/Camo Net

T37-Similar to the Type 64 in many ways but better at brawling due to its overpowered health pool and still great gun. Has better APCR pen for making OIs look like idiots. The autoloader variant of the gun is also great, and far superior to the 12t which also sadly means that you can't use rammer.

Modules: Vents/Optics/Vertical Stabilizer

OI-The best heavy of the tier with a rather competitive littler gun and a great derp gun as well. This tank has all of the armor in the world paired with great health pool and terrible mobility. This tank is best used on city maps or corridor maps with linear angles. I would recommend to have a heavy spall liner for this tank in order to lessen HE splash damage from other OIs. This tank is a must have for any player looking for Tier 6 gameplay because heavies have long lockouts and this is by far the best one.

Modules: Rammer/Gun Laying Drive/Heavy Spall Liner or Rammer/Vents/Heavy Spall Liner

A-43- The best alternative medium to the Cromwell due to its ridiculous DPM with its 57 mm gun and decent stats for moving and shooting as well as good accuracy for the tier. This, coupled with great APCR penetration and troll armor makes this tank a highly competitive tank to run with Cromwells. However, I would only recommend running 2 of these tanks in a medium tank line up due to lack of gun depression. Optics are a decent choice but not great due to average view range.

Modules: Rammer/Vents/Gun Laying Drive or Rammer/Gun Laying Drive/Optics

Hellcat-Essentially the only good TD for Clan Wars due to its medium like characteristics. It has a punchy gun and decent gun statistics to keep mobile and shooting in order to provide close and long range support to medium tank teams. This is an excelent counter to OIs on open maps such as Malinovka.

Modules: Rammer/Gun Laying Drive/Binocs

59-16-The best killer of light tanks and mediums due to its devastating autoloader with sub-par penetration. It also has a quick reload making it a good close support tanks but bad against heavies of any kind. Gun stats aren't that bad and has great mobility. Can also use a rammer even though it can utilize an autoloader.

Modules: Rammer/Gun Laying Drive/Optics or Rammer/Vents/Gun Laying Drive

T34-85/Rudy-A good heavy medium with okay armor and decent alpha damage and great penetration and decent DPM. This tank is great for good heavy support and sniping and the ability to also be used with faster mediums. APCR ammo on this tank makes it a great fast counter to the OI but with better health and armor than the Hellcat.

Modules: Rammer/Vents/Gun Laying Drive

VK 30.01P-A overlooked heavy medium with okay penetration but terrible shell velocity. Its APCR does not do that well against OIs but it can perform some levels of heavy support and has great armor values for the tier

Modules: Rammer/Vents/Gun Laying Drive

Part 2 coming with the last few tanks...


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Hello World!

Welcome to the North American blog that talks about world of tanks in the areas of balance/development/clan wars and much more! I will hopefully be able to get my opinions out there in order to influence other peoples' play in the game in a positive way and also convince others to participate in the competitive side of world of tanks. My name ingame is Spirtwalker and currently have super Unicum recent WN8 and I hope to share my expertise about my time playing competitive world of tanks.

