So Wargaming has displayed the overall changes to the Sandbox Server (but now the exact values to probably not piss people off with BS stats that aren't permanent) with this link:
All of these changes can be viewed as good/bad but none of them break the game more than it already is. Arty making tanks worse is an interesting route to go in my opinion, but I can see where they are going with a sort of debuff class/support class. I can get behind that over what is currently occurring.
Wargaming wants to destroy the current shell distribution within the aiming circle and make it much, much worse. First of all, NO! This game is already somewhat RNG dependent, and doing this could potentially destroy the Esports prospect of the game and the ability for new players to even hit shots that aren't point blank (as in crap crews). This is potentially hurtful to this game in a big way. A rebalance is fine, if they want to decrease the distance of combat, fine as well. But I would like to hit the target in the right spots, thank you.
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