Many leaks have been posted on about the statistics of Tier 10 tanks and how they will interact during the first iteration of the sandbox server. I am going to describe each class seperately and conclude on how they will come together. The overall tone of the nerfs seem to be a slight nerf to Russian meds and an overall mobility nerf to everything (but not really to heavies). Also, view range at Tier 10 seems to have decreased at an average of 50 meters per tank. (however this varies greatly on which line; this is an average estimate) Premium rounds have taken a nerf across every class, generally giving each tank about 30-50 more penetration. (HEAT damage loss was scrapped)
This was everybody's main concern as of now in the current live server. Arty does too much damage with no effective counters. They nerfed the damage and penetration of artillery to lessen their damage. They also seem to have buffed the splash radius to a crazy degree as well as providing some small help with aim time and accuracy. AP damage is unclear.
Heavy mobility nerfs were given to most mediums except for the E-50M for some reason. Russian mediums were nerfed so they are now not the best snap-shot medium, replaced by the Patton which now has better DPM and alpha. 100 mm guns now do 300 damage and 105 mm guns do only 350 damage and 121 does "only" 420. View range nerfs effect all except for the TVP which now has a strangely high amount with 430-the most base view range, ever. Aim times and dispersion values were tweaked on many tanks but it would take too long to cover this as it is tank specific, not throughout the class. However, the overall accuracy seems to have increased, with some tanks being heavily nerfed (Bat chat).
DPM of all heavies seems to hover around 2.2k to 2.3k except for the 215B still having 2.8k DPM. Penetration has also been standardized to around 250 for all heavies. Interestingly, the Maus and the E 100 have received a DPM buff to surpass other heavies like the E5 and 113. Heavies now seem to be compared mostly on chassis instead of dpm and gun statistics. Also, damage per shot has been scaled down a bit; each gun does less than currently.
Some pretty heavy nerfs to DPM and overall damage per shot has been decreased. The DPM nerf has seemingly not effected the E4, which now has the highes DPM of any Tank destroyer at tier 10. TDs also have gun stats that have changed on an individual basis, which is too long to cover.
Heavy tanks have received some serious love, prem rounds no longer instantly pen everywhere, tds have lost dpm, most fast tanks have been reduced in speed, and spotting has been greatly reduced. On top of this, artillery damage has been nerfed which mostly concerns heavies but also every other class. This is definitely a global re balance and I would hope to cover any of the other large "leaks" or whatever you want to call them.
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