Thursday, April 28, 2016

Tier 6 Clan Wars Strategy: The Situation

Tier 6 Clan Wars in World of Tanks is still very much in its infancy. It has very little testing and still houses a few overpowered and under-powered tanks. Strategy tends to be very rudimentary for reasons including the fact that there are only 7 tanks to work with and the ability to one shot many of them through the use of derp guns. There is also something to be said that T8 heavy tanks tend to have similar DPM but double the HP of T6 mediums.

Tier 6 Clan Wars strategies tend to have a few different varieties:

OI RUSH: This is very common on small corridor maps (especially Ensk) and works because an OI can out trade its opponents and has the health to not take many hits from equal tier mediums and lights. It can also work well on larger city maps as long as the flanks are covered or you can put yourself in a corner and defend the entrances with your combination of derp OIs and smaller gun OIs. This is by far the easiest lineup to use as it is not hard to only hit a few shots and trade with the enemy.

Light Team: A full light team or a team with combination lights/fast mediums is very effective to go on open maps or any real map that you can play the view range game. This lineup is very good for picking off opponents at distances as well as being able to rush in and focus fire very effectively due to their ability spread the damage between enemies. This tactic is also best used in skirmishes because of its ability to run game after game- earning the most resources/credits/influence. This tactic is best used with more experienced players that are able to work together and focus fire.

Light/Heavy Mix- This team is best used for maps with corridors and open areas or is just very large. It is best used to keep the heavies in front and receive damage and allow the lights to poke in and out of corners to cut away at the enemy. Heavier mediums can also be used incredibly effectively here as they can maneuver well as well as trade very effectively with their opponents. This setup is the most universal for newer players as it allows a lot of fluctuation in strategy with its mobility and its armor.

Some other notes:
1. Always play slow, never try to rush into the enemy if you can pick them apart without taking damage which can especially help with dealing with tank locking.
2. Allow your armored tanks to take hits to preserve the lights HP for late game scenarios.
3. Never suiscout as it kills your ability to counterspot the enemy on open maps.
4. Always be able to support each other so that you can overmatch the enemy when they split their team.
5. Work around your own clan's limitations, put players that have less experience or less skilled in heavies as they require much less skill and less crew skills.

That is all the basic stuff I learned from my running and winning of the first season of T6 Clan Wars. I wish you all best of luck in the upcoming seasons of Clan Wars. Be sure to schedule multiple battles when you first land on the map to maximize your clans experience in battling.


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