Saturday, September 10, 2016

Make WoT Great Again

World of Tanks is a fantastic game, with overall great mechanics and a perfect design to combat cheating in any kind of professional scene. However, a professional scene has been hard to come by, due to the game's demographics and how the pro games are formatted compared to the game played by an everyday person. The game definitely needs a spark to draw more players back into the game, as well as creating a sort of "end game" content for experienced players that have unlocked many of the trees.

The Esports side of the game has at least been handed off to a competitive company (ESL) and employs professional casters that creates a very good viewing experience (although there can be some kinks, it is overall good). This side of World of Tanks is very important because a trhiving competitive scene generally drives a game to become better and attracts a large number of new players. This is especially important on NA because of our impressive Esports scene in other games, such as CS:GO. They need to create an option in the game, in order to expand the game modes, to include a ranked matchmaker that includes a 7v7 format that has a certain season that you can generate points and therefore earn rewards, ingame or otherwise. This would function much like the system, but would encourage people who are less proactive about playing against better players, and would create a new type of competitive play as well as a good feeder to get into Gold/Silver League.

World of Tanks also needs a way for the developers to make more money, as to focus on creating real content, instead of just pointless premium tanks that have no place in the game anyway. They need to introduce an ingame economy, based upon real money or Gold, that revolves around buying and selling tank skin modifications. This needs to occur after WoT mod support is finally gone as they are adding more choice of interface each patch. These skins could come as random drops to players, and would bring back people into the community if these skins are interesting or aesthetically pleasing in any way. This would bring a constant revenue to WG through a taxation system if real money is used, or just having them be worth Gold, forcing players to spend money on the game. These skins could not give any bonus to gameplay, but be purely cosmetic, much like skins in CS:GO or mounts in World of Warcraft (premium mounts exist).

Finally, World of Tanks needs to introduce more tanks into the game, after they release the Swedish Line. There are plenty of candidates, such as the Polish, Chinese/Japanese Tank Destroyers, other Swedish lines as outlined by SP15, other Czechoslovakian lines, outlined by Silent Stalker, bringing in armored cars (as hinted at by convoy mode) or vehicles specifically with hydraulic/pneumatic suspension, etc. This brings about 5+ full lines that are easily implemented along with numerous extra routes to go in already existing lines such as the E 10 tank from Germany being a counterpart/upgrade to the Hetzer. This would certainly draw more people back into the game and create more revenue for WG and therefore create time for development and balance.

World of Tanks could use some work, but Wargaming needs to follow steps to bring in a playerbase so that they can actually use their revenue to perfect their game. These are just ideas remember, tweak them in any way you want, but these seem to have worked in the past/in other games.


Friday, August 19, 2016

Apologies for Inactivity

I have not been able to get blogging and streaming much at all for the past weeks. This has mostly been due to spending time with family away from my house. Service should pick up again soon, expect more posts within the next few days.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Joined a Clan and Will Stream

I just joined a clan with some friends called CARTL. I will be calling games frequently which will allow me to do something new, which I will mention later. We plan to start with running Tier 8 Clan Wars but hopefully move to tier 10 quickly. If you would like to play a few games with my new group of guys, feel free to apply by messaging an officer (such as myself). So far, it has been going well, and I am happy I left OTTER in search of a more vibrant clan. I would also love to use this opportunity to improve on my own calling, and spread my knowledge to the general clan population. My plan is to start streaming, and especially Skirmishes and Clan Wars. All in all, the clan seems very good, and will allow me to get some wins with people I like to play with.

I will begin some test streams today and tomorrow, and I will announce my first big stream on the blog.

Twitch Page:


Sunday, August 7, 2016

Just an Update and Clan Talk

I have finally left OTTER to look for a more fun clan that I can hang out with a few friends and play some competitive games. Today, I was approached by a clan called T_K_O, which houses some great people (it seems) which I got from talking to them for about 10 min. I would highly recommend them for any player looking for a growing clan that is moving to Tier 8 Clan Wars. I probably rubbed them the wrong way because I was very salty this morning (#justblunicumproblems). I will definitely be trying to help these types of clans out with this blog by going over strategies and clan things. I really hope they can succeed, and they are really doing things the right way as far as recruiting and building.


Thursday, July 28, 2016

UPDATE: Starting a Clan/My Game

I know you have all noticed the lack of posts over the past 2 weeks or so. I have been working a ton, starting in my new job. I am finally starting to get back into blogging (as I have been tanking) and will now update you on some things:

My Game:
I joined a Silver League Team! Also, I have lately been trying to get better at playing specific tanks, and what better way to show this by 3-marking tanks that I love, so now I have 3 marked 4 Tier 10s: T57, E5, BatChat, and M48 Patton. I also 3-marked T8s: T54 Light, RU 251, T49, WZ-132, T32, IS-3, and M41 90mm. Now enough bragging, on to what you are really here for:

My eventual goal will be to create my own clan or take over a clan, and then make it my own by becoming the Commander. I have been the Executive Officer in 3 different clans in the past, and I really want to run things by myself, without trying to only influence a commander that may not listen to me anyways. My goal would be to hit the ground running, playing Tier 8 Clan Wars and maybe get up to tier 10. I'm thinking that I will do this after league is over, and after the coming campaign, so expect this to come in September. Feel free to reach out to me if you are going to be interested in joining/helping me run things (as there would be caller/officer positions open) and you can pm me ingame or through the forums.Stay tuned to the blog so that I can bounce some clan policies/ideas off of you guys.


Friday, July 8, 2016

Wargaming Schedule: Clan Wars and Development

Wargaming has been actually doing a bit lately as far as their game development. I would like to start this off by saying that this is mostly unconfirmed speculation, and I am also inferring that 9.16 will have the global rebalance, and be in early September/late August.

Global Map Freeze in late August (currently the 21)

Gold League Will Tentatively Start on the 4th of August

Next Mini-Campaign- after freeze, late August/early September, likely lasting a few weeks. The tank that will be given out will probably be the Object 257 TD, learn more at

Gold League will run until sometime in September, probably until the end of the Campaign as they usually link campaigns and Gold League during the same timeframe. This campaign could also come earlier, as they have overlapped a season with a campaign in the past. One other tank they could give out is the Chieftain (PLEASE WG), but I have heard that it will be a tier 10 tank. Don't take too much away from the statistics currently, as it will likely be distributed after (or right when) the Global Reblance goes live.


Sandbox: Week 4

Sorry, been busy, so trying to get these articles out as fast as possible:

The Sandbox Server has received some minor balance changes, including a nerf to some autoloaders, some dispersion bonuses to assault vehicles, as well as a large DPM buff to the FV215B and E3.
I really don't want to cover these changes very heavily, just go to the Armored Patrol article if you want specifics. All they really did was to make the other SPGs on par with the ConqGC. They are really just nitpicking for changes now, to get them all perfect. It seems that they are done with major stuff, maybe even about ready to introduce lower tier tanks (not tens) into the sandbox server. I also have some "insider" information for all of you Clan Wars people coming up!
